Sometimes when you try to connect to Bluetooth device on Windows 10 it refuses to work without any reason. One possible explanation to this is your PC’s drivers are either outdated or unable to recognize your device. What would you do if you got struck in a similar situation?
An easy way out to fix this situation is to uninstall the current device driver and use Bluetooth Driver Installer software. This software will detect and connect your device to a Generic Bluetooth Microsoft device driver.
Why you need to Install and Update Drivers
Your computer hardware whether new or old, requires corresponding software to make it function correctly. Just installing any system driver won’t always work. Hence, you’ll need to install a driver that is compatible with your hardware device.
Device Drivers decode user’s command to the hardware components to execute a task. Therefore, when a faulty or incompatible driver is installed commands do not get translated correctly, creating problems on Windows 10 system. In certain cases, delicate computer hardware might also be compromised due to overheating and overclocking.
Needless to say, if you want your Windows 10 machine to work as smoothly as possible, installing and updating the compatible driver on your Windows 10 machine is best. In this article, we will list the best Bluetooth software for Windows 10.
Jun 22, 2020. Jun 05, 2020. It helps resolve Bluetooth connectivity issues and connect various devices in close proximity. Is available for free download for Windows 10 PCs and other Windows versions. With this, we wrap up this list of the best Bluetooth Software for Windows 10.
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Device Driver Problems
Connectivity issues are a dire problem these days faced my many across the globe. Therefore, fixing them at the earliest is what we all look for.
The Best Bluetooth Software for Windows 10 in 2020
1. Bluetooth Driver Installer

A generic device driver installer that will help you resolve Bluetooth driver connectivity issues. This program is easy to use and it helps fix any issues you may have with Bluetooth device driver. During installation, Bluetooth Driver Installer automatically creates a System Restore point to avoid any critical situation that may occur due to driver update.

This Bluetooth Driver Installer software is a perfect and practical solution to resolve problems related to Bluetooth peripherals. When compared to its competitors, the main advantage of Bluetooth Driver Installer is its speed and agility.
Note: While installing Bluetooth Driver Installer, you might be asked to install several add-on software, change your browser settings and add optimized search. If you don’t wish to do either of the suggested things, opt out by unchecking the corresponding boxes.
2. Intel® Wireless Bluetooth®
Intel Wireless Bluetooth is also among the best device driver software that will help resolve connectivity issues on Windows 10. Version 20.60.0 of Intel Wireless Bluetooth software for windows 10 allows a short-range wireless connection between a Windows 10 machine and other Bluetooth-enabled devices.
As you are facing connectivity issues the first thing you need to do is to check your driver. If it is outdated you need to update it. An outdated or faulty driver is the foremost reason for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity issues. If you need to update your Wireless Bluetooth Software for Windows 10 try to use Intel Wireless Bluetooth Software.
In addition to this if you want to use a software that does everything for your read my other article on, How To Fix Bluetooth Not Working on Windows 10
Intel Wireless Bluetooth is compatible with a lot of products and is highly versatile. This means Intel Wireless Bluetooth Software for window 10 can adapt to a lot of devices for Windows 10. Undoubtedly it is an easy fix to common connectivity issues.
Tip: If you happen to have any of the Intel products like Intel Dual Band Wireless AC Series, Intel PROSet/Wireless Software, Intel Tri-Band Wireless-AC Series, Intel Wireless-AC Series, or others you can use Intel Wireless Bluetooth Software for Windows 10 the best Bluetooth driver updating software. Intel Wireless Bluetooth Software for Windows 10 is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit version, so check your OS version, and download the appropriate driver.
3. WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software
is a freeware Bluetooth software for desktop and Laptop running Windows 32 bit and 64-bit operating system. This best Bluetooth Software for Windows version, enables wireless connectivity between devices with regards to mobile phones.
WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software provides functionality for OEM devices and is made available by Broadcom for Windows. It helps resolve Bluetooth connectivity issues and connect various devices in close proximity. is available for free download for Windows 10 PCs and other Windows versions.
With this, we wrap up this list of the best Bluetooth Software for Windows 10. We hope after using any of this software, your connectivity related problems on Windows 10 is resolved. Please leave us a comment to let us know which Bluetooth software you used and why.
Need good Bluetooth software for file sharing? Here is a list of top 10 Bluetooth software, each potent enough to establish quick connections among devices.
Remember your favorite Bluetooth connections, stream video and audio across screens and speakers with these software, and enjoy super quick data exchanges.
1. Bluetooth Driver Installer – Simple basic program for Bluetooth
Download this basic program to install your Bluetooth driver.
- Supports Windows 8
- Detects and connects your device as a Generic Bluetooth Microsoft device
- Simple installation process
- 100% free software – no registration process, no paid upgrades
- During installation automatically creates a System Restore point
- Con – may not work on all PCs
- Solves problems relating to Bluetooth peripherals
2. Bluetooth Phone Transfer software – Free Bluetooth Software
This software allows you to transfer files between your PC and your phone.
- Supports PC, iPad, iPhone, Smart-phone, laptop, Netbook, etc.
- Synchronize phone data and open VCF files
- Supports Windows (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Requires Bluetooth dongle if your PC doesn’t have Bluetooth
- Can transfer all types of files – txt, mp3, doc, jpg, bmp, avi, vCal, etc.
3. Bluetooth File Transfer – Share files with friends
This free software allows you to transfer files between Bluetooth devices.
- Transfer files from your Android phone to any other Bluetooth device
- Browse, explore, manage files of any other Bluetooth device
- Smart search tool to find files by file size, type, data as well as keywords
- Simple to use
- Transfers multiple files simultaneously
- Useful file management tools
- Con – old-fashioned interface
4. Bluetooth View – Useful Bluetooth software
Detect and connect to any Bluetooth device using the Bluetooth View software.
- Small software that runs quietly in the background
- Monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you
- Displays device name, Bluetooth address, major device type, first detection time, etc.
- Popup in the taskbar notifies you of a new detected device
- Customize popup notification into a beep sound
- Hide Paired Device option
5. Bluetooth File Sender – A wireless communication tool
Coonect your PC to your mobile phone using Bluetooth File Sender.

- Supports Android 1.5, Windows (95, 98, 2000, XP)
- Simple interface makes it easy to use
- Con – Download inaccessible in some countries
- Read all stored files in the phone including calls and SMS
- Allows distant access to another PC, if the two PCs have the same application
- Copy, rename or deleted files
6. WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software – Install Bluetooth Compatible software
Download this free Bluetooth software for your Bluetooth related problems.
- Install Bluetooth compatible software for Broadcom-enabled, embedded or USB plug-in wireless adapters
- 100% free software
- Downloads and installs the appropriate software Bluetooth software for a connected device
- Dedicated wizard helps you to configure settings
- Interlink any two Bluetooth devices for fast file transfer
7. BlueSoleil – Connect and synchronize devices
Download this Bluetooth device for many exciting features.
- Free trial version
- Buy full version for $27.99
- Requires a Bluetooth-enabled laptop or a PC with a Bluetooth Dongle
- Turn on the Bluetooth to use BlueSoleil
- Exchange and synchronize files between any two connected devices
- Supports USB, UART, PCMCIA and BCSP
- For UART and BCSP devices, change COM port, Baud rate, byte size, etc.
8. Bluetooth Remote PC – Android app

Best Bt Downloader
Download this app to access your computer from your smart-phone.
Best Bt Downloader Software
- Supports Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8), Mac OS X, Linux
- Free trial version
- Get access to a computer through your phone
- Control mouse, keyboard, multimedia, presentation, or power system commands
- Basic and video tutorials available on website
- Complaint form, FAQ and support forum available on the website
- Buy full version for more features
9. Bluetooth Sender Sargon – Bluetooth Advertising Application
Bluetooth Sender Sargon is a unique application to download for your advertising needs.
- Media files can be delivered directly into the consumers’ mobile devices
- Useful for businesses for better advertising
- Range of 10-1000 meters
- Sends to mobile phones, PDAs, laptops
- No special software required on consumers’ device
- Non-intrusive way of permission marketing
- Supports Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
10. WMouseXP Bluetooth Presentation Remote Control Software – Control your computer remotely
Turn your Android phone into a wireless remote by using this free software.
- Works with all Android phones and Java-enabled Nokia phones
- Control mouse, media player, volume, Power-point presentation slides in your PC from your phone
- Easy to install and setup
- Easy to use software
- Supports Windows 7, XP
Best Magnet Link Downloader
The Bluetooth driver in your computer cannot detect devices? No worries – these free for download software options are going to take care of that problem! And that too for free! Whereas a lot of them come to you for free, you can trust the others for impromptu Bluetooth data transfer requirements (through free trial versions).Compatible with most of the popular operating systems, these software can connect all Bluetooth enabled devices, helping you enjoy seamless information exchange at top speed, even without Internet connectivity.
Best Bt Downloader 2017
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