In this article, I’m going to show you How to Download macOS High Sierra 10.13 for Free. About 12 hours ago Apple has announced new Mac operating system “macOS High Sierra 10.13” on WWDC17. Currently, macOS High Sierra is only available to paying Apple developers, with a public beta coming in July.
However, for those of you who want to get their hands on it right now, you can do just that. You don’t need to be a paying to the developer to install and use macOS High Sierra 10.13 developer preview 1. All you need is the install file and a Mac to install it on. I would however not recommend installing this as your default operating system. It is best to install it within a virtual machine or on an external drive, due to the inevitable bugs you will run into.
Nov 03, 2017. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +. Search Support.
macOS High Sierra 10.13 Beta
Download macOS High Sierra for Free
To download macOS 10.13 High Sierra you have to click on the link down below. Before downloading and installing macOS Sierra 10.13, keep in mind that this is not the final version and it is developer preview 1. I highly recommend you to install on a separate disk or in a Virtual Machine.
#1. Once you downloaded the macOSDeveloperBetaAccessUtility, open and run it.
#2. The installation of this utility is very simple and easy, just click continue for a couple of times.

#3. Once macOSDeveloperBetaAccessUtility installed, it will automatically open Apple App Store. You don’t need to touch anything. Right after opening the App Store, you will be prompted to macOS High Sierra download page. Just click on Download.
Download macOS High Sierra Free
Vlc Free Download For Macos High Sierra
#4. Create a new volume by using Disk Utility and name it macOS High Sierra.
Install macOS High Sierra 10.13 Developer Preview on Mac
Mac Os High Sierra Download Free
The installation process is also very and simple. It is the same macOS Sierra 10.12. We will show the installation guide later on.
Mac Os Mojave
coming soon…