Apps & Games on Google Play are adopting a new icon system to better fit diversedeveloper artwork to Google Play's various UI layouts, form factors, anddevices, as well as to bring consistency and a cleaner look to Google Play.
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Uniformed shapes are visually more appealing and easier to digest. They helpusers focus on the artwork, as opposed to the shape. They fix alignment issuescaused by random open space to better present surrounding information, such asthe title, rating, and price.
This page describes the guidelines you should follow when creating assets foryour app's listing on Google Play. For example, because Google Play dynamicallyrenders rounded corners and drop shadows for your app icons, you should omitthem from your original assets.
Important: If instead you're interested in learning more about creating APKlauncher icons, which are separate from the Google Play icons described on thispage, see the resources below:
- Android Adaptive Icons
Follow these APK icon guidelines to learn how to create adaptive launchericons introduced in Android 8.0 (API level 26). - Product icons
Discover Material Design principles for product icons, including guidelinesfor icon design, shapes, specs, and treatment.
Creating assets
This section describes some guidelines you should follow when creating visualassets for your app on Google Play.
Icon artwork can populate the entire asset space, or you can design and positionartwork elements such as logos onto the keyline grid. When placing your artwork,use keylines as a guideline, not a hard rule.
When creating your artwork, ensure it conforms to the following:
- Final size: 512px x 512px
- Format: 32-bit PNG
- Color space: sRGB
- Max file size: 1024KB
- Shape: Full square – Google Play dynamically handles masking. Radius will beequivalent to 20% of icon size.
- Shadow: None – Google Play dynamically handles shadows. See 'Shadows' sectionbelow on including shadows within your artwork.
After the asset is uploaded, Google Play dynamically applies the rounded maskand shadow to ensure consistency across all app/game icons.
Utilize the full asset space as the background when dealing with minimalisticartwork.
Use the keylines as guides for positioning artwork elements (i.e. logos).
Don't force your logo or artwork to fit the full asset space. Instead, utilizethe keyline grid.
Illustrated artwork typically works well as a full bleed icon.
Google Play will dynamically add a drop shadow around the final icon onceuploaded.
When adding shadows inside your icon artwork, consider consistency with theAndroid platform by following Google Material guidelines.
Corner radius
Google Play dynamically applies corner radius. This ensures consistency when theicon is resized across different UI layouts. Radius will be equivalent to 20% oficon size.
Embedded badges take away from the artwork itself and don't scale down well withthe icon.
Brand adaptation
If shapes are a critical part of a logo, do not force the artwork to full bleed.Instead place it on the new keyline grid.
If possible, pick a background color for your asset that's appropriate for yourbrand and doesn't include any transparency. Transparent assets will display thebackground color of Google Play UI.
If there is no distinct shape around a logo defining it, place it on a fullbleed background.
If your artwork is flexible enough, consider tweaking it to fully utilize theasset size. If that's not possible, revert to placing the logo on a keylinegrid.
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Legacy mode
Original icon assets that have not been updated per the new specifications willeventually be migrated to legacy mode and scaled down 75% to the keyline gridsize (512 * 0.75 = 384px).
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Uploading an icon per the original specification will not be allowed as of May2019. See more details on timelines.
Instructions for API users
Migration dates are slightly different for API users, but achieve the same endresult of migrating all icons to either the new specification or 'legacy mode'by June 24, 2019.
Before June 17, 2019, developers must use the Play Console to apply the newspecification to their icons. All calls to Edits.images: uploadwill apply whichever specification is configured in the Play Console. There isno way to apply the new specification via API. The Edits.images: upload
callmay error if the old specification is still applied, and the errormessage for that specific icon will point you to this specification. Afterapplying a new specification using the Play Console, you can retry theEdits.images: upload
call. You may need to retry the call multiple timesbefore it will succeed.
Beginning on June 17, 2019, all API calls to Edits.images: upload
willautomatically apply the new specification to the icon. Following June 17, 2019,you should only upload icons that are compatible with the new specification.
Download design templates & resources
To get started, download one of the provided asset templates:

Google Play Store
- Sketch template (.sketch)
- Illustrator template (.ai)
- Photoshop template (.psd)